Die kinders maak vol

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Something I wrote recently, thought i'd share it.
The basis for my discussion is the power of influence, the power we as individuals have to positively influence and the role it plays in creating a better future for all of us.

We all came to the Business Networking meeting today hoping too influence the people around us and create a lasting impression that will benefit our businesses and help create a healthy working relationship with others.
Remember that by coming to these meetings we are investing in our futures.

For those of you who have children, for those who still wish to have children and those who are actively working towards forming a family, I’m sure that you will all do what ever it takes to protect them from any negative influences.
So why is it that in South Africa we are allowing our children’s future to be buried in a very shallow, cluttered, environmentally suffocated grave?
Can we continue NOT investing in the steps that will not create a working symbiotic relationship with our natural environment?
Should we continue being naïve to the fact that our healthy, our happiness and our future all rely on the health of the natural environment?

They say you are what you eat. Consider what will happen once all our crops and rivers dry up, if we pull all the fish from the seas and cut down all our trees.

Through the completion of a successful World Cup South Africa just proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that we have the ability to pull off the greatest in the world. Stories of a safe and clean South Africa were highlighted in newspapers around the world.
But guess what. We paid for it.

South Africa invested billions into infrastructure because we saw the long-term benefits. And who wouldn’t pay a little extra to keep the dreams of a safe and clean South Africa alive?
Think of our children’s future as a World Cup event. Are we investing now to ensure their safe and clean future?

Over the past 200 years, the human race has experienced 2 major global revolutions. The Industrial Revolution and the Information Technology (IT) Revolution.
The Industrial Revolution introduced the human race to the working machine, created to take over humans need to work giving us more time to do what we want therefore making us happier. The Introduction of the Information Technology help promise of access to more information, making us wiser and therefore happier.
Two unmistakable benchmarks in the evolution of our complex societies but with 2 unmistakable short comings.
These new machines are made from and consume large amounts of depleting natural resources that will never replenish themselves, while producing large amount of by-product that we call “waste”.

In the past few years we have entered into a new Revolution, with equal economic benefit as the previous Revolutions but that actually give back to the environment instead of exploiting it. A sustainable Revolution that promises to improve our health and happiness.

I recently heard that 2 men from Germany took a 24 hour flight in a plane that was powered only by solar power.
So why is South Africa still considering building nuclear power stations when we have an abundance of possible natural energy?
Why are we still moving towards digging septic holes in the ground in order to hide our tons of consumer waste as a quick fix?
Cape Town dumps 5000- 6000 tons of waste into the earth everyday.
With newly proposed extensions on current landfill sites, and talk of excavating new landfill sites, the cost to have your bin removed and dumped will rise by about R13.

How many realize that first piece of plastic we ever came across is likely still on this earth and will still be here after we pass.

No matter how many times we point a finger a the large corporations at the forefront of deforestation, abusing our seas, causing devastating oil spills that last months and dumping toxic waste while incapably supplying our country with electricity, we will always have 4 fingers pointing back at us.

The key to Pandora’s box of solutions lay in our ability to acknowledge our wastefully habits, actively make the small adjustments to lesson our addiction and use our influence to inspire change in our own circles.

We shouldn’t lack the confidence to think that our individual contribution cant initiate change. We’re selfish to believe that it’s too late to adjust, leaving our children to come up with the solutions for themselves.

Global warming and climate change will not discriminate between colour, social or financial status, age, religion or sexual preference.
A drought does not consider if you’re Jewish or Catholic. Floods will not show the slightest sense of remorse, slowing down to a trickle because your 3 or 83.

They say Rome wasn’t built in a day. in order to create a sustainable economic and environmental future for our children it’s going to take every individuals conscious step.


Greening my Apples

Monday, June 28, 2010

I have one and I'm sure you have/had one. We've bitched about them when they break and we openly confess our love for their user friendliness and sleek stylish design. They make our beats, they tweak our colours, they give life to our 2-dimensional drawings. Getting the first one is like internal combustion to the senses and having to replace/repair one is a downer no one ever likes to talk about.

No Standing works with a lot of companies who swear by them and No Standing itself has the bug deeply ingrained into it's flesh.
Whether it's an iBook, Powerbook, iPhone, iPod what ever, owning an Apple is like your first kiss ever  time you hit the power button and colour starts to dance majestically across the screen, revealing your own little utopia.
The only problem is once they break their nearly impossible to fix. With every new machine comes newly designed parts that just won't fit into any newer model.
This provides a massive problem globally and the waves of electronic waste (e-waste) are washing toxins through the water ways and by-ways, from the sun kissed top-less wonders of Brazil to the brandy-canoodled top-end heavy rockers of Bellville.
Responsible disposal of waste should be on the heads of the producers of the products we buy and the habits we feed. Imagine being able to walk into Pick n Pay with a black bag of packaging and saying;"here we go, that's yours, have a great day!".
It's not likely to happen any day soon, that's why No Standing is here.
But the point I'm trying to get at, if I haven't made myself crystal, is that as consumers we have a responsibility to ensure the waste packaging from the products we buy end up in a place where it can't be blow into the sea, get eaten by a Pelican and cause a slow and indigestible death.
I came across this interesting link by Greenpeace about a few of Apples returnable policies.


Anti-bp activism

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Just busy doing a bit of reading on Wikipedia about the Deepwater Horizon spill, seeing what's going on and discovering the extent of this ecological disaster.
According to the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 all companies must have a "plan to prevent spills that may occur".
I wonder if BP could have ever imagined this case scenario...

(image off WIKIPEDIA site)


Sing it. Just do it. Sign it!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

5960 people can't be wrong



Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I opened up the archives and found a few images of people who inspire the future and recycle with No Standing.

(ABOVE) Teeni @ Cape to Cuba
(she doesn't actually recycle with NS, but i know she recycles)

(ABOVE) Toni of Hemporium

(ABOVE) Mel Tripp, principal of AAA school of advertising.

(ABOVE) Brian Little of Fly on the Wall


I wonder if fish wish they could see the world through human eyes

Just a little something something from the Old Mutual event we're at. Unfortunately, because it was so dark in there, very little actually came out. This are some of the images that made it

(ABOVE) The bands that make moving fun.

(ABOVE) One big bag of beer less in our landfill.

(ABOVE) Patrick, one of the fellas making recycling easier.

(BELOW) Ezekiel, a man with a massive smile and really white shoes.  


The ying to my yang

Monday, May 24, 2010

It's times like these when I wish we could just could turn around and move back down the evolution chain, strip down to our b'day suits, house ourselves in caves and pick fleas from our neighbours.
Maybe this brings with it's own stresses and inconvenient surprises, so I guess I'll stick to being a Homo sapiens and deal with those nasty little surprises.

It's Monday morning and I'm sitting in front of a borrowed computer because my recently repaired computer, with all my No Standing work, crashed again. Luckily I have learnt from previous experiences to back that sh*t up but still, occasionally, we get caught with our pants down. It's not the end of the world, only if the repair guys can't fix this again.

So yesterday, after hours of lying to myself and hoping that by some miracle this master of misery would decide to boot up, I went to Buddhist chanting meeting in St Gorges Cathedral in the city centre.
I guess I didn't know what to expect and still can't really believe what transpired. I guess the only way really to explain the experience is to read you a phrase fresh from my book. And it goes a little something like this;
"Sitting in that packed out church I've never felt so singled out. The echos pf 6 chanting monks hunted me down in that crowd like a thirst in the desert. That ever-the-same but never changing rhythm entered my consciousness through my ears and filled my spirit with a feeling of peace and inspiration. When they stopped, even the statue of the mother Mary held her breath. Silence was the only way to applaud the monks for the journey."

All the material matters just dissipated into their rhythm, a rhythm that took me away from that church and back into a my cave.


Products of an unwavering mind

Friday, May 21, 2010

I've had this idea of making an outdoor pillow that uses old resources to bring joy and happiness to any sunrise watcher, OR comfort and support to any drunkard.

This is the first sample, inner made of plastic.


Account suspended twist

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I've found out that my account wasn't suspended due to non payment but due to SPAMing!

Apparently updating clients with recycling reviews, invoices and other service related emails is SPAM!? 
Please explain...


Account suspended!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My No Standing web site has been suspended!! I guess it's my own fault, forgot to pay the bill. again.

It's such a pain in the ass, my heads to polluted with trying to save the planet, not paying my web site bill!

not groovy


Hated new comer to best friend to unhealthy foe

Saturday, May 15, 2010

So I don't know of it's just me being overly pro-hippie but since putting bio-fuel in the tank of the new diesel cabby and I would honestly swear that it's driving a whole lot smoother, and I'm getting about 50 extra kilometers to a tank.

Maybe it is just me being overly pro-hippie.

As the 210 000 gallons of crude oil pump out into the Gulf of Mexico and threaten the coastline of America, we seem to have our own little oil disaster.
The ship that docked itself foolishly some time beyond my memory can recall, has started to leak oil out into the line up.
A new wave has developed in front of the boat which has got us all pretty excited, seeing as the owners left us with their nasty wreck, but today was the first time we noticed how this winter could potentially mean oil damage to our coastline.
I met up with Kru and Deon this morning for a surf but soon noticed black oil on our heels and hands. Not only that, there was foul taste and smell that made me feel really disfunctional.


Old Mutual turn 165 in style and NS was there to make sure it came at little expense to the environment

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I'm still stuck in a translucent haze of flashing lights, A-grade line ups and a stage setup fit for festival. I hope my 165th goes out like that!

Moved from the pristine surrounds of Backsberg Wine farm to the cold concrete shell of the Bellville Veledrome, this party couldn't have been plagued by worse weather. With no sign of sunny skies the event was postponed from Sunday to Tuesday night. Odd seeing as I'm sure they'd want their staff not all red eyed and glassy first thing on a Wednesday morning.

Moving an event of this scale is going to be a last minute artery clogger but the guys from Oppkikoppi did a good job in trolleying this event through the hills and deeper into the boerewors curtain. With it comes with it's own logistical nightmares that are sure to rot the core of any hardened events coordinator.

Anyway, well done to the team for making the smooth transition.

So, back to last night. If i turned on the radio and asked for a local mix I couldn't have done better than Hotwater, Freshlyground, Johnny Clegg (Himself), Lira and Goldfish'ies. It was like opening a pot of South African talent and pulling out 6 winners throughout the ages. Old Johnny boy gave it all and for a man who's fought apartheid and raised a kid who now shines in fame's eyes, he's got a everlasting stage presence. He's Xhosa is also as sweet as sugar cane.
I'd never heard of Lira before, i was actually wondering how she made it so far up the pecking order of such a group of well known artists, but when my newly appointed side-kick Lee told me that she'd SA's top diva (and won herself 4 SAMA's) I thought I'd been living in a bubble for too long. All expectations were shot out of sight. So long to expectations I think.
Then the squeaky clean sounds of the men'jetwa (forgive the spelling) group, Goldfish, soothed the late night demons with their ever developing easy afri-dance-house sounds.

There was beer and wine, food and caffeine, No Standing, cake, big shows and now, nothing more than the empty echoing shell of a venue that brought no warmth, like an indoor shower, but good times and vibrations that I can still feel in my corneas.
fotos will follow soon


NS goes even greener!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

It's been a long time coming. Since starting NS i've always wanted to get a diesel van that i can run on Bio-diesel! Then last monday,BOOM! Enter NS's first diesel truck.
I managed to beat the petrol hike by filling my first tank on tuesday night then again, BOOM, friday i pick up my first 50 liters of Bio-fuel. (See insert) 

Anyway, went to fill up this eve. After putting in the regular diesel I had to carefully pour the bio-diesel in. The stuff actually smells like cooking oil! 
Some facts about Bio-diesel:
  • The B-diesel i'm getting is made from the old cooking oil from restaurants in and around Cape Town.

  • a 20% mix (the suggested starting mix) will cut our carbon emissions by 15-16%.

  • B-diesel is actually good for your engiune and has been proven to made the engine last longer.

By September I hope to have the van running on a 50% 'blend' save more carbon all the time.
In other unrelated news. I am boycotting BP because of the massive environmental disaster they have caused along the Gulf of Mexico. (see attached as well) 

Peace and light




Monday, April 26, 2010

Pillows, wallets and shopping bags all coming soon


I could do with a surf

I'm busy reading a book sent from a friend who shares similar interests (as well as similar names) to me. On the inside he writes, "Hey Warren. Keep doing what your doing. I think you will enjoy this book. From Warren"
My piece of torn out newspaper clipping sits at page 137  and my interest in this book has only grown the more I read. In this book, Yvon skips through the passages of his life's experiences with the company (Patagonia) with the casual stride of a true outdoors-man. At times he sinks into the structure of business and the economics of it all only to waver off about a trip that his friends. 
What's inspiring is how when he noticed the degradation on the natural environment during trips, how he steered his clothing and equipment lines towards a socially and environmentally responsible future to what it is today.
We discusses materials and delivery times, donating %'s of profits and employer/employee relationships, working conditions and how, for him, it's all about producing the best product with the least amount of environmental damage.

As today creeps on with it's sunny demeanor and it's gentle off shore winds, I too want to let myself go surfing.


Whale KAK!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

no shit!



Black is the new black

Friday, April 9, 2010

Black is the new black
is the old black
goes with white, grey, blue, red, green, pink, mouve, checked, stripes, collared, v-neck, hats, scarfs, shoes, barefoot, jackets, singlets.
yes. black is the new black
is the old black.


Packaging. I hate the stuff but it keeps my food fresh

Monday, April 5, 2010

glad their promoting being green but it's not cool to preach without practice

Taco shells wrapped twice in plastic!?!?!?!?!?! i'm just as confussled


Earth Hour 27 March

This is the Earth Hour event last Saturday that No Standing recycled for.
With millions of people across the globe switching off their lights for an hour in aid of raising support to put pressure on the relevant governments to act now against climate change, it was a good to say that Ali, my team and I were rubbing shoulders with some on Cape Towns higher powers and some well know mense, all together for one cause.

Ways in which the the WWF made this event green were:
- all waste that can be recycled was
- only local wines were served
- people were encouraged to carpool
- all food was served in biodegradable containers
- green power was bought instead of using power from Eskom


Spier Infecting the City"

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I've been invited to speak at the "Talking Heads' evening at the South African History Museum this Thursday the 18th of February. The only problem is that i't four 20 mintue sessions and I only got the confirmation letter yesterday! (Tuesday the 16th of February)



Recycling isn't just good for the environment...

Monday, February 15, 2010

Interesting article about the benefits of recycling, above and beyond keeping stuff out of our landfills sites, and relevant to todays economical problems...

"Wells said that in the Makana local municipality centred on Grahamstown it was forecast that if half of the waste were diverted from landfills and separated by households, making it readily available to waste pickers, it could create more than 400 jobs.

Musa Chamane, the waste campaign manager at environmental justice organisation groundWork, said that in big cities many more jobs could be created."

read on....http://www.busrep.co.za/index.php?fArticleId=5309018


Earth 2.0

Thursday, February 11, 2010

A good mate of mine is working on a really interesting project at the moment called Earth 2.0.
It's an fascinating journey into the way the world currently works and the way the world could function in the future. I don't want to blasfime any more about it just check out the link
Earth 2.0



Garbage City

Thursday, February 4, 2010

An aquinatance introduced me to Garbage City this week. Once i looked a little bit deeper I began to uncover the world behind the pictures...come see Klavs Bo Christensen's tale of the people


2009 summary

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

2009 was a big year for No Standing. a year to grow, learn and preserve. to go into detail would be like dropping a dehydrated survivor into an ocean.


We grew in clients, worked on events, worked in the poorer or areas and spread the word through poetry and words. Most importantly, we saved over 30 tons of waste going into our landfill sites. To break it down, No Standing recycled: 9.4 tons of paper, 6.7 tons of plastic, 777kilograms of tins and 13.2 tons of glass.
Obviously this year we want to grow and expand these numbers in 2010.

it all takes a little bit of love, selflessness and effort.

here's some images from the year that was.

peace and light.

(above) the way we store the recyclables.

(above) the kids at Wolverivier township on the N7. No Standing worked with the TLC project to develop a program now known as the TFL (Township Football League). the aim of the project is to clean up the community while keeping it fun

(above) our factory during the Mellon Housing Initiatives March 2009 Building Blitz in Mbekweni (paarl). Nearly a ton of plastic drinking bottles was recycled during that week.

(above) Mel Tripp, principal of the AAA school of advertising. They recycled 1.24 tons of waste during 2009, the highest out of all our corporate clients.



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