NS goes even greener!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

It's been a long time coming. Since starting NS i've always wanted to get a diesel van that i can run on Bio-diesel! Then last monday,BOOM! Enter NS's first diesel truck.
I managed to beat the petrol hike by filling my first tank on tuesday night then again, BOOM, friday i pick up my first 50 liters of Bio-fuel. (See insert) 

Anyway, went to fill up this eve. After putting in the regular diesel I had to carefully pour the bio-diesel in. The stuff actually smells like cooking oil! 
Some facts about Bio-diesel:
  • The B-diesel i'm getting is made from the old cooking oil from restaurants in and around Cape Town.

  • a 20% mix (the suggested starting mix) will cut our carbon emissions by 15-16%.

  • B-diesel is actually good for your engiune and has been proven to made the engine last longer.

By September I hope to have the van running on a 50% 'blend' save more carbon all the time.
In other unrelated news. I am boycotting BP because of the massive environmental disaster they have caused along the Gulf of Mexico. (see attached as well) 

Peace and light



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