The ying to my yang

Monday, May 24, 2010

It's times like these when I wish we could just could turn around and move back down the evolution chain, strip down to our b'day suits, house ourselves in caves and pick fleas from our neighbours.
Maybe this brings with it's own stresses and inconvenient surprises, so I guess I'll stick to being a Homo sapiens and deal with those nasty little surprises.

It's Monday morning and I'm sitting in front of a borrowed computer because my recently repaired computer, with all my No Standing work, crashed again. Luckily I have learnt from previous experiences to back that sh*t up but still, occasionally, we get caught with our pants down. It's not the end of the world, only if the repair guys can't fix this again.

So yesterday, after hours of lying to myself and hoping that by some miracle this master of misery would decide to boot up, I went to Buddhist chanting meeting in St Gorges Cathedral in the city centre.
I guess I didn't know what to expect and still can't really believe what transpired. I guess the only way really to explain the experience is to read you a phrase fresh from my book. And it goes a little something like this;
"Sitting in that packed out church I've never felt so singled out. The echos pf 6 chanting monks hunted me down in that crowd like a thirst in the desert. That ever-the-same but never changing rhythm entered my consciousness through my ears and filled my spirit with a feeling of peace and inspiration. When they stopped, even the statue of the mother Mary held her breath. Silence was the only way to applaud the monks for the journey."

All the material matters just dissipated into their rhythm, a rhythm that took me away from that church and back into a my cave.


Products of an unwavering mind

Friday, May 21, 2010

I've had this idea of making an outdoor pillow that uses old resources to bring joy and happiness to any sunrise watcher, OR comfort and support to any drunkard.

This is the first sample, inner made of plastic.


Account suspended twist

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I've found out that my account wasn't suspended due to non payment but due to SPAMing!

Apparently updating clients with recycling reviews, invoices and other service related emails is SPAM!? 
Please explain...


Account suspended!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My No Standing web site has been suspended!! I guess it's my own fault, forgot to pay the bill. again.

It's such a pain in the ass, my heads to polluted with trying to save the planet, not paying my web site bill!

not groovy


Hated new comer to best friend to unhealthy foe

Saturday, May 15, 2010

So I don't know of it's just me being overly pro-hippie but since putting bio-fuel in the tank of the new diesel cabby and I would honestly swear that it's driving a whole lot smoother, and I'm getting about 50 extra kilometers to a tank.

Maybe it is just me being overly pro-hippie.

As the 210 000 gallons of crude oil pump out into the Gulf of Mexico and threaten the coastline of America, we seem to have our own little oil disaster.
The ship that docked itself foolishly some time beyond my memory can recall, has started to leak oil out into the line up.
A new wave has developed in front of the boat which has got us all pretty excited, seeing as the owners left us with their nasty wreck, but today was the first time we noticed how this winter could potentially mean oil damage to our coastline.
I met up with Kru and Deon this morning for a surf but soon noticed black oil on our heels and hands. Not only that, there was foul taste and smell that made me feel really disfunctional.


Old Mutual turn 165 in style and NS was there to make sure it came at little expense to the environment

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I'm still stuck in a translucent haze of flashing lights, A-grade line ups and a stage setup fit for festival. I hope my 165th goes out like that!

Moved from the pristine surrounds of Backsberg Wine farm to the cold concrete shell of the Bellville Veledrome, this party couldn't have been plagued by worse weather. With no sign of sunny skies the event was postponed from Sunday to Tuesday night. Odd seeing as I'm sure they'd want their staff not all red eyed and glassy first thing on a Wednesday morning.

Moving an event of this scale is going to be a last minute artery clogger but the guys from Oppkikoppi did a good job in trolleying this event through the hills and deeper into the boerewors curtain. With it comes with it's own logistical nightmares that are sure to rot the core of any hardened events coordinator.

Anyway, well done to the team for making the smooth transition.

So, back to last night. If i turned on the radio and asked for a local mix I couldn't have done better than Hotwater, Freshlyground, Johnny Clegg (Himself), Lira and Goldfish'ies. It was like opening a pot of South African talent and pulling out 6 winners throughout the ages. Old Johnny boy gave it all and for a man who's fought apartheid and raised a kid who now shines in fame's eyes, he's got a everlasting stage presence. He's Xhosa is also as sweet as sugar cane.
I'd never heard of Lira before, i was actually wondering how she made it so far up the pecking order of such a group of well known artists, but when my newly appointed side-kick Lee told me that she'd SA's top diva (and won herself 4 SAMA's) I thought I'd been living in a bubble for too long. All expectations were shot out of sight. So long to expectations I think.
Then the squeaky clean sounds of the men'jetwa (forgive the spelling) group, Goldfish, soothed the late night demons with their ever developing easy afri-dance-house sounds.

There was beer and wine, food and caffeine, No Standing, cake, big shows and now, nothing more than the empty echoing shell of a venue that brought no warmth, like an indoor shower, but good times and vibrations that I can still feel in my corneas.
fotos will follow soon


NS goes even greener!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

It's been a long time coming. Since starting NS i've always wanted to get a diesel van that i can run on Bio-diesel! Then last monday,BOOM! Enter NS's first diesel truck.
I managed to beat the petrol hike by filling my first tank on tuesday night then again, BOOM, friday i pick up my first 50 liters of Bio-fuel. (See insert) 

Anyway, went to fill up this eve. After putting in the regular diesel I had to carefully pour the bio-diesel in. The stuff actually smells like cooking oil! 
Some facts about Bio-diesel:
  • The B-diesel i'm getting is made from the old cooking oil from restaurants in and around Cape Town.

  • a 20% mix (the suggested starting mix) will cut our carbon emissions by 15-16%.

  • B-diesel is actually good for your engiune and has been proven to made the engine last longer.

By September I hope to have the van running on a 50% 'blend' save more carbon all the time.
In other unrelated news. I am boycotting BP because of the massive environmental disaster they have caused along the Gulf of Mexico. (see attached as well) 

Peace and light




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