Spier Infecting the City"

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I've been invited to speak at the "Talking Heads' evening at the South African History Museum this Thursday the 18th of February. The only problem is that i't four 20 mintue sessions and I only got the confirmation letter yesterday! (Tuesday the 16th of February)



Recycling isn't just good for the environment...

Monday, February 15, 2010

Interesting article about the benefits of recycling, above and beyond keeping stuff out of our landfills sites, and relevant to todays economical problems...

"Wells said that in the Makana local municipality centred on Grahamstown it was forecast that if half of the waste were diverted from landfills and separated by households, making it readily available to waste pickers, it could create more than 400 jobs.

Musa Chamane, the waste campaign manager at environmental justice organisation groundWork, said that in big cities many more jobs could be created."

read on....http://www.busrep.co.za/index.php?fArticleId=5309018


Earth 2.0

Thursday, February 11, 2010

A good mate of mine is working on a really interesting project at the moment called Earth 2.0.
It's an fascinating journey into the way the world currently works and the way the world could function in the future. I don't want to blasfime any more about it just check out the link
Earth 2.0



Garbage City

Thursday, February 4, 2010

An aquinatance introduced me to Garbage City this week. Once i looked a little bit deeper I began to uncover the world behind the pictures...come see Klavs Bo Christensen's tale of the people



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