2009 summary

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

2009 was a big year for No Standing. a year to grow, learn and preserve. to go into detail would be like dropping a dehydrated survivor into an ocean.


We grew in clients, worked on events, worked in the poorer or areas and spread the word through poetry and words. Most importantly, we saved over 30 tons of waste going into our landfill sites. To break it down, No Standing recycled: 9.4 tons of paper, 6.7 tons of plastic, 777kilograms of tins and 13.2 tons of glass.
Obviously this year we want to grow and expand these numbers in 2010.

it all takes a little bit of love, selflessness and effort.

here's some images from the year that was.

peace and light.

(above) the way we store the recyclables.

(above) the kids at Wolverivier township on the N7. No Standing worked with the TLC project to develop a program now known as the TFL (Township Football League). the aim of the project is to clean up the community while keeping it fun

(above) our factory during the Mellon Housing Initiatives March 2009 Building Blitz in Mbekweni (paarl). Nearly a ton of plastic drinking bottles was recycled during that week.

(above) Mel Tripp, principal of the AAA school of advertising. They recycled 1.24 tons of waste during 2009, the highest out of all our corporate clients.



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